Lots of news, so here there are:
1) New Icon and picture, not so important
2) I've lots of musical projects, as Dubstep remixes, a 40-minute song in 10 parts, and some other little ideas.
3) In my Youtube Channel, I submit my albums in full version, and megamixes of popular songs and Newgrounds ones. Check it out! =)
4) If someone that makes music want to do a Featuring with me, just PM me! Iit could be cool. ;)
5) As usual, if you like mys songs, please like my FB Page!
6) I'm now on Soundcloud, and I'm going to be a premium member, so you will find the most recent and the best of my songs.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/etK/1552539245653 09
Newgrounds: http://etk.newgrounds.com/audio/
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/etienne-lapha